There was many changes in government from monarchies to communist and fascist. The style of rulers changed and the overall type of government changed in some countries. In 1917 many changes in the government of Russia took place. The Russian Revolution took place it was the Provisional Government versus the Soviets. In February of 1917 the duma, russian emperor, renounced the throne, ending the monarchies of Russia. In October of 1917 a group named the bolsheviks seized power. This group was a communist group who took over the Provisional Government. They committed actions similar to those write by Karl Marx. The bolsheviks took over banks, gave factories to workers, and more. And in 1922 Russia was renamed USSR. In Germany in 1918 the emperor of Germany quite and Germany became a democratic republic. The new leader called for cease of fire of World War I. After the war ended the Versailles Peace Talk took place. The countries allowed to participate came up with the idea of the league of Nation States, which led to the treaty of Versailles. This resulted in most countries being ruled by one political party, a leader who ended up as a dictator, and the rejection of a democracy. In the 1920’s the fascist party came around in Italy. This party was led by Benito Mussolini, he claimed he wanted to restore Italy, and he used fear and terror to rule. This party disagreed with
There was many changes in government from monarchies to communist and fascist. The style of rulers changed and the overall type of government changed in some countries. In 1917 many changes in the government of Russia took place. The Russian Revolution took place it was the Provisional Government versus the Soviets. In February of 1917 the duma, russian emperor, renounced the throne, ending the monarchies of Russia. In October of 1917 a group named the bolsheviks seized power. This group was a communist group who took over the Provisional Government. They committed actions similar to those write by Karl Marx. The bolsheviks took over banks, gave factories to workers, and more. And in 1922 Russia was renamed USSR. In Germany in 1918 the emperor of Germany quite and Germany became a democratic republic. The new leader called for cease of fire of World War I. After the war ended the Versailles Peace Talk took place. The countries allowed to participate came up with the idea of the league of Nation States, which led to the treaty of Versailles. This resulted in most countries being ruled by one political party, a leader who ended up as a dictator, and the rejection of a democracy. In the 1920’s the fascist party came around in Italy. This party was led by Benito Mussolini, he claimed he wanted to restore Italy, and he used fear and terror to rule. This party disagreed with