The Causes Of The Treaty Of Versailles

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World War I started in the middle of 1914 because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The war went on for 5 more years, until the Treaty of Versailles was created and commanded the armies to seize fire. World War I officially ended on June 28, 1919. This peace treaty kept from any wars starting for less than two decades, then came World War II.
The Treaty of Versailles’ name came from where it was signed, the Versailles Palace. The Allies wrote the treaty and in order to have it signed, they need a large enough space to hold all of those that participated and were involved in the process, that is the reasoning why it was signed in the palace. The German government signed the Treaty of Versailles under protest. What lead to this
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After Germany agreed to pay reparations under the Young Plan and the Dawes Plan in 1924 and 1929, the depression ended up cancelling the reparations in 1932. Germany ended up paying $33 billion for the damages because they had started the war. The money all went to the Allies. Germany also had no more heavy artillery, air force, tanks, submarines, and reduced to only 100,000 men in the army.
One of the five main results of the Treaty of Versailles is that since Germany had started the war back in 1914 because of the assassination of the archduke, they got the privilege of paying all of the countries that were involved for all of the damages. Germany had an enormous amount due to the Allied Powers. In 1921, Germany’s amount was divided in half. Though the amount was still equal to about 442 billion modern dollars. Germany actually just made their last payment in 2010.
The second result is that there were nine new countries that were created, including Yugoslavia, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. There were also many territorial changes that
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The people turned to Hitler because he said that he would make the treaty end. Germany couldn’t pay all of the countries because they didn’t have enough money, so they asked any countries that they didn’t have to pay to help them out and give them a loan. Germany wanted revenge on the Allies.
This treaty was also one of the main causes why World War II started. A main term was to surrender to al of the German colonies in Africa and far east. Germany and Austria was not allowed to have any unions. Germany was at fault for the war and there was provision for a trial of the leaders. President Woodrow Wilson, Prime Minister David, and Prime Minister georges Clemenceau were all the main representatives. Peacemakers in Paris had to create an entire new map of Europe. There were talks in Paris that Germans were not allowed to attend too because they would soon get copies of the treaty to read for themselves. They were told that it was in place to stop the war and to make

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