When Michael Jordan was in high school his junior he tried out for varsity and did not make varsity that year they had him play jv big mistake. He averaged the most points on JV in the US that yea. Over the summer Jordan was so focused on making the coaches feel like they big mistake he lived at the gym and one night while he was sleeping he grew 5 inches. His senior he made the Varsity basketball team and started. Averaged the most points in the state at 18.9 PPG. After his season was over he made All-State First team and received a scholarship from North Carolina University. That was just the beginning of his long term legacy.
His first year at North Carolina he started as a freshman averaging 13.5 PPG. In the middle of the season they named him ACC Freshman of the year. Also, they made it all the way to NCAA championship which allowed him to hit his first game winning shot. Michael Jordan ended up staying at North Carolina for three years, his Sophomore year he averaged 20.2 PPG and 19.3 …show more content…
on the court he was such a humble player whether it was just picking up his team when they were down or picking up the other team when they would fall after a foul. him being this kind of person allowed him to grow on the court leading his team to be a six time NBA championship team. although, those six rings were enough glory five out of those six times he was also crowned a 5 time NBA MVP, during all of this it brought him more light because he lead one of the best records in history causing two three