James has demonstrated a philanthropic, charitable, and humanitarian mentality. James has a foundation called the Lebron James Family Foundation. The foundation's work is focused in his hometown, Akron, Ohio. The Lebron James Family Foundation spends about one million per year on programs to better the community. Some of his programs include provided adults with college resources, helping students learn how to code, and getting elementary schoolers interested in school (Mccarthy). James also has a campaign called I Promise. The campaign earmarks forty-one million for ten thousand Akron students. The foundation also host and promote civic engagement and boost self-esteem. Lebron finds it his duty to give back to his community, which is nothing but greatness at it
James has demonstrated a philanthropic, charitable, and humanitarian mentality. James has a foundation called the Lebron James Family Foundation. The foundation's work is focused in his hometown, Akron, Ohio. The Lebron James Family Foundation spends about one million per year on programs to better the community. Some of his programs include provided adults with college resources, helping students learn how to code, and getting elementary schoolers interested in school (Mccarthy). James also has a campaign called I Promise. The campaign earmarks forty-one million for ten thousand Akron students. The foundation also host and promote civic engagement and boost self-esteem. Lebron finds it his duty to give back to his community, which is nothing but greatness at it