Intimacy is a state of “close union, contact, association and acquaintance” according to our textbook, and then researches asked several hundred college students to identify their most intimate relationships and the answer were almost half (47%) identified a romantic partner then, about one-third (36%) chose a friendship. (p.278) In this research, it doesn’t look like having big differences between those relationships. However, half of respondents of college students identified a romantic partner, in other words, it would show that a lot of them feel intimate when they are with their partner. Now I am going to look at dimensions of intimacy. Intimacy has mainly four dimensions: physical, intellectual, emotional and shared activities. Aside from physical intimacy, at first about intellectual dimension, I think this dimension works much for close friendships than romantic relationships because most of men and women are not willing to talk about intellectual things such as important ideas which look boring with their partner. So, in my case, I don’t talk about intellectual things a lot with my partner however in the case of talking with my men friends even if with women friends I like to talk about intellectual things with them. Our text book shows that “when people engage another person in an exchange of important ideas, a kind of closeness develops that
Intimacy is a state of “close union, contact, association and acquaintance” according to our textbook, and then researches asked several hundred college students to identify their most intimate relationships and the answer were almost half (47%) identified a romantic partner then, about one-third (36%) chose a friendship. (p.278) In this research, it doesn’t look like having big differences between those relationships. However, half of respondents of college students identified a romantic partner, in other words, it would show that a lot of them feel intimate when they are with their partner. Now I am going to look at dimensions of intimacy. Intimacy has mainly four dimensions: physical, intellectual, emotional and shared activities. Aside from physical intimacy, at first about intellectual dimension, I think this dimension works much for close friendships than romantic relationships because most of men and women are not willing to talk about intellectual things such as important ideas which look boring with their partner. So, in my case, I don’t talk about intellectual things a lot with my partner however in the case of talking with my men friends even if with women friends I like to talk about intellectual things with them. Our text book shows that “when people engage another person in an exchange of important ideas, a kind of closeness develops that