MFAA Scholarship Essay

Decent Essays
I joined my first choir in seventh grade. It was the school’s seventh grade choir and it had about a hundred kids in it. I enjoyed being there so much that the thought of the arts just stuck. Since then I have been in four choirs (all school funded) and two musicals. Though I know I do not have the most experience and my abilities are still shaky, music continues to be a big part of my life.
Joining choir was a big deal for me because I never thought of being in choir as an option, I was always more academically focused. In choir I met two of my closest friend and made countless others. I was introduced to so many things that I never even knew existed and I am grateful for that. Being in the choir room everyday gave me a new sense of confidence
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The MFAA program focuses on developing the skills of those attending and I believe that with the help of the program and the instructors that my abilities will grow and continue to get better. Forcing myself to be better is one of the biggest reasons that I want to be part of the program. I tend to not get out of my comfort zone without a reason to do so and this experience would definitely be a reason to try new things and enhance my abilities while doing so. Another way I feel the program will be beneficial to me is by boosting my confidence level as not only a performer but as a person. When it comes to performing I have a bad habit of doubting myself and whether or not I am doing or singing the right thing. As a person I tend to over-analyze what I am doing or saying and if I am doing those things in the correct way. My hope is that this program will enforce the thought into my brain that I am doing the right thing (or when I am not, properly fixing my mistakes) and that I can do the wrong thing, but at least do it loudly.
In conclusion, I feel the MFAA program will assist greatly in me developing as a performer and as a person. That it will also allow me to continue to do what I love. Music has done wonderful things for me and I hope that one day my music will do wonderful things for someone else and I feel this opportunity is the first step in the right

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