This child is named Trina, a sixteen year old girl who was charged with second degree murder and sentenced life in prison just as the rest. Trina had a rough life as a child, she was born into poverty and went to the worst ranked school in Pennsylvania. It didn't help that Trianas father was an alcoholic that was abusive who raped and assaulted both the mother and her. She was put into a program to help her with the psychiatric problems she faced. Trina decided to run away from her abusive dad.…
In the murder case of an African- American lady named Martha investigators have narrowed their search do to three possible suspects. The three suspects are Royce Triplett, Kenneth Hubbard and Marcus Maher. Now none of the possible suspect is family members of Martha but has had some form of interaction with her in the past whether it is church related or neighborhood related she knew all three of them. Therefore, we will have to look at the evidence and determine which one of these three men could be the person who in fact killed and raped Martha.…
When people watch the news or hear about someone who performs a violent criminal act, the first question arises: Why? There are many theories to why people perform these acts. They were raised in a “bad” environment. They weren’t “loved” enough as a child. They are “crazy.”…
Case 1 : Name of case: The kidnapping of three young women Victim(s): Sofia Silva, Kati and Kristin Lisk Suspect: Richard Marc Evonitz Overview: One day, Sofia Silva was kidnapped off of her front porch and found 5 weeks later in a nearby creek. Just 8 months later the same happened to Kati and Kristin Lisk who were the found floating in a river five days later. After investigating Kati and Kristin’s body, pink fibers were found on Kati’s body. Then in June of 2002, the killer struck again this time kidnapping a girl and taking her to an apartment where she was handcuffed for 18 hours. The girl escaped and led the police to the apartment but upon arrival the killer was gone.…
Jeffrey Dahmer was from Wisconsin. As a child, he was very happy and energetic. His parents were loving parents. They just wanted the best for him, just like any parents would want for their children. His father was a hard-working lab technician and his mother had a scrapbook about her son that had everything about his early child life.…
Jasper Dent, referred to as Jazz, is the son of the famous serial killer, Billy Dent. His mother died when he was 9. Jazz suspects that this was the work of Billy, although no evidence was found at the scene. Ever since his father’s arrest four years ago, Jazz’s friends have gravitated away from him. They possess a fear that Jazz will become the man his father was.…
Everyday there are people who struggle with some type of incarceration whether its physical or emotional. Being incarcerated can happen to anyone at any point in their life, some people are convicted at birth making it an uphill battle from the start, while others become incarcerated by the decisions they make at some point in their life. St. Francis, both Wes Moore’s and Robert Peace have all experienced some type of incarceration in their life, but were not all incarcerated in the same way. Each person had their own battles they had to fight to get out of being incarcerated. Some of these people fully got out of the situation or environment that was incarcerating them in order to free themselves and start a new life, while others are currently…
Jeffrey Dahmer, the infamous serial killer, was born on May 21, 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, although he grew up in Ohio. His childhood was not anything too out of the ordinary, except for a few incidents; one of which was him being molested at the age of eight. Dahmer grew up in a house with his father, mother and his brother, Lionel Dahmer, Joyce Dahmer and David Dahmer, listed accordingly. When he turned ten, Dahmer was supposedly experimenting with dead animals, although his parents just took it as something that boys do. If they had noticed something was wrong at this time in his life and had gotten him the help that he needed, he might not have committed all of those murders.…
Charles Manson was born November 12, 1934 and is currently still alive spending time in the Corcoran State Prison in California. His mom was 16 when she had him, and was an alcoholic and prostitute. Charles was sent to a boy's school for stealing. His mother didn’t want anything to do with him. She once sold him for some beer.…
He gave up all his self respect and pride which is difficult for any individual to succumb to as no one wants to be the murder of their own…
This essay will discuss the life of John Wayne Gacy before his murders, during his murders and the ending result when he finally was convicted. Now although there are a lot of things to say about John Wayne Gacy , there’s a lot of background information that may have led up to the cruel things he did. John Wayne Gacy was born on St.Patrick's day in 1942. He was the middle child; his older sister Joanne was born two years before him and his younger sister Karen who was born 2 years after.…
Ted Bundy states to the Pensacola police, “I’m the most cold-blooded son of a bitch you’ll ever meet.” Bundy gives a perfect description of himself after being convicted and taken into custody by the Pensacola Police Department. Bundy was very open about the thirty killings he convicted, and he offered the Pensacola police officers details about these killings that forever changed the lives of the very frightened and disturbed American people Bundy, above all, did not want to be caught, ever. He wasn’t just a gruesome killer, but a pervert who manipulated his victims. Bundy impacted society through the aspects of fear and terror.…
Serial killers, we have all seen them on TV and heard of them, but now we get to go in depth and learn about their life and I am excited. I love watching shows like ncis and stuff like that and I am thinking about becoming a forensic psychologist so this is right up my alley. Now I have put a lot of thought into which killer I am going to choose and I decided to pick john Wayne gacy.…
In Saw 1 an anxiety disorder was present which is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). One of the main detectives he was so obsessed with trying to figure out the case to the point it drives him crazy and strives to be Jigsaw’s assistant on basically killing people. Before his Saw killing spree, the only family he had was his sister and someone murdered her and that what dove him to start killing. He became a master mind in Jigsaw’s games and started taking over them. He was persistent and good with covering his tracks so he won’t get caught.…
the purpose of this presentation is to investigate the personality of Hannibal Leter in terms of the traits, humanistic and psychodynamic conception of personality Gordon Allport claimed that each person exhibits unique qualities: with five main traits that each individual can possesses varying in extents: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Contentiousness, Neuroticism and Openness, with rank high or low to describe a person’s personality Extroversion present high in Hannibal Lecter. Before he was recognized as a serial killer, Lecter portrayed himself to most as a charismatic intellectual, hosting dinner parties and dominating conversations in the movie Red Dragon. He preformed his duties as a psychiatrist admirably and assisting many of his patients.…