All the language aside from military commands are the same as any other human on the face of this earth. This is detail is very important because it describes the thoughts feeling and surroundings of them. Like if they were at the base and “relaxing” the language would be more calm, but if they were out in combat you’d expect the language to be more like this quote: “ The bad guys were so close at one point, the Americans could hear them shouting and screaming back. The Americans shouted and screamed back. “They were yelling ‘Allah akbar’ and we’re yelling ‘**** you’ and other things you can imagine.” Pg.25 (Cavallaro & Larsen). This is showing how the language affects the book and the description of it. Without these words the book would be bland. This is how the authors describe the character’s words.
As you can see in the book Sniper by Gina Cavallaro and Matt Larsen they use a lot of description to show the characters thoughts, surroundings, and words. The description in this book makes you feel like you're right there besides them. They’re no different than me and you they have all the words and thoughts of anyone around you. One my ask himself how would I act if I were there? Would I run, hide or stay to fight? While the reading the book I asked what would have happened if they didn’t describe thoughts, surroundings, and words would we know and understand the