Life Sentence Of Rape In Prisons

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The average amount of time a rapist will spend in prison is eight and a half years. That is more years than vehicular manslaughter. Rape has a maximum life sentence, if the victim is under the age of twelve. This should apply to all ages because no one can determine the trauma caused by rape. The world must take action and show people that rape is not acceptable and rapist will be servilely punished. Introducing life sentencing, castration and an improved reporting system will make the rape laws stricter.
Rape requires a life sentence because as seen in previous cases rapist will re-offend. After being released over 35% of rapists will commit the same crime and 70% will commit a crime of a non-sexual nature. Gary Barker, a rapist who was jail
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Castration is the removal of testicles of a man. Chemical castration is when drugs that have the same effect of castration, are injected into the bloodstream. The effects of castration are control over sexual urges and appetite by 52%, loss of libido (sexual drive) 66% and genital shrinkage by 55%. Having this in place for repeat offender will help stop cases like Otto Searle who had in total 104 reported offences of raping children between the ages of 10-12. His offences dated back 1997 to and his victims were soccer player from teams that he coached and opponents. The shame of being castrated should be used as an effective way to punish and deter rapists. This technique should be emplace on anyone who rapes violently or reoffends to help make the laws …show more content…
Out of every 1,000 rape cases 994 rapists will walk free. The rape reporting system needs to change as Sally* a rape support worker says “Many victims are put off pursuing chargers because of the lengthy court presses and difficulties with meeting the extensive requirements for proof.” Many cases are reported months or even years after the incident because the victims finally feel safe about telling their story but the since it is not recent the police department brush it off because they cannot arrest someone on the counts of a victim's story they need evidence like a rape kit. A sexual assault forensic exam (rape kit) is one of the ways victims can report the crime with evidence but this exam is very unravelling for the patience as they have to get the places where they were raped checked. Without a rape kit from a qualified forensic doctor the victim’s case is useless. In 2011 a 5 year old girl was raped by her father. He was released of charges and walked free because of the lack of proof (rape kit) and on the basis that a five year old would not know what rape was. Is that right? By applying a better court system the government will prosecute more rapists, sending them where they belong jail.
Introducing life sentencing, castration, and a better reporting system for rape laws will save the future, 1 in 6 women will be raped in their lifetime and 1 in 10 rape victims are male if the governments around the

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