Sukripa Ranjit
Edward Dudlo
History 1302
3rd March 2017
Mothers seek freedom from unwanted pregnancies
In 1916, Activist Margaret Sanger opened the first birth-control clinic in Brooklyn, United States. She was arrested and imprisoned for violating the Comstock Law of 1873. More than 250,000 women wrote to her asking for help and suggestion regarding pregnancies and birth control. Margaret Sanger sponsored many clinics and worked hard without any hesitation for the welfare of women and child.
In this document, mothers wrote eight different letter to Sanger from different parts of the Canada and the United States. All the letter was about the maternity. The mothers talk about their marital life, husband, children and current situation. One of the letters from Mother A, she confessed that she was married at the age of 12 and at the age of thirteen she gave birth to her first baby. When she was thirty years she is already a mother of eleven children. She is facing many health problems since last two years. Nineteen-year-old mother B has two daughters but her husband wants a son. She wanted to give him one but she plans to wait for some more times until her girls are better on their way. Mother C was married when she was seventeen. She had eight children, one baby dead and miscarriage. Mother D …show more content…
During that period mothers, does not get good advice from the doctor about contraceptive measures and birth control. Due to proper nutrition and food and poverty, lots of mothers are suffering during and after the pregnancy period. If a contraceptive or birth control measure was introduced among the women, it would help both father and mother. They would get out of unwanted pregnancies and miscarriage. If they have a knowledge about time gap between two children, then they could give enough love and care to their husband and children at the same