She gave him $2,000 to have him start on the project. The Food and Drug Administration FDA after years of birth control approved the first birth control pill an Enovid-10 on May 9, 1960. After several testing were done a biochemist Gregory Pincus starting developing with progesterone and estrogen. John Rock was the gynecologist for these testing and experiments which provided the stopping of ovulation. Which those got established in 1954. The idea for the birth control from what Sangers fought for was the “Freedom to American …show more content…
After threats of bombing and riots taking place the clinic was afraid and decided to shut it down. By the end of the riots and threats African Americans still needed to control their fertility, so they can take care of limited children that they can financially support. Ton Cade once wrote “ I’ve been made aware of the national call to Sisters to abandon birth control… to picket family planning centers…. To raise revolutionaries….What plans do you have for the care of me and my child?” After Cade wrote that the gathering of almost 200 women went and gathered to reopen the Planned Parenthood office, but as of today anybody can choose to have the pill, and not do it for political