In 1921 Margaret created the American Birth Control League (“Margaret Sanger”) This League’s goal was to spread information about birth control to doctors, social workers, women’s clubs, the scientific community and individual women. The league also organized many conferences and meetings on the behalf of birth control. By 1926 the league had received support from over 37,000 general members (“Birth Control Organizations”). Margaret was the president of the league until 1928 (“Margaret Sanger”). Margaret’s fight for birth control did not end at the American Birth Control …show more content…
The clinic was ran by all women who performed many gynecological and contraceptive services for women. Within the first few weeks of its opening 464 women lined up in need of sex education and contraceptive information (Squiers, Kim). Margaret was the president of the clinic, but was forced to resign in 1928. The new leaders saw Margaret’s tactics and persistent feminist focus as a liability. Throughout the years the name of the clinic was changed to Margaret Sanger Research Bureau, the Birth Control Federation of America and then the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (“Sanger, Margaret). Margaret Sanger gave everything she had to the birth control cause as a feminist in the 1920’s and all of her adult life. She lobbied with legislators and the American Medical Association (AMA). In 1936 everything she had worked for had become accomplished. The Supreme Court reversed the Comstock Law which was the law that made it illegal to mail birth control information. The AMA also made it legal for doctors to give birth control information and devices to patients (“Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned