Black Elk blamed Seventh Cavalry. He wanted to get to safety. I think President Harrison blamed the Sioux tribes. He ordered the information to be given about the death of the Women and children.President Harrison thought that the Indians future would have peace and good citizenship. He has many visions throughout his life that reinforced what he went through as a young child and that’s whyhe worked as a healer and medicine man for his people What surprised Mollie most as Gerald was the fact that the woman had a baby boy that she could not get close to. The woman complained of not having the energy to even dress up and it was evident that she was suffering from severe form of post par tum. When the women was locked up in the family’s summer home she allows the wall paper to start driving her crazy and this is evidenced by the numerous journal entries she makes believing that there is woman behind the wall papers that she must free. It is in her undertaking to free the woman that the husband understands she has gone mad and intervenes. Gilman through the story is able to elucidate the subconscious thinking of a young woman who aspires to become a man through her heart and soul. The transformation of Mollie into her husband for a single day helps elucidate the various stereotypes that the society abhors towards men and this is exhibited by the feeling of contentment by Mollie. She feels more empowered, ands she is able to engage in various discussions …show more content…
She suggested that people needed to stop looking at birth control in a negative way because a lot of young women were not ready to have children. Women go through huge mental and physical changes when pregnant and through the entire birthing process, it can also strain a marriage if you are not prepared correctly. As a nurse she saw that some women would go through many child births over a relatively short time. In the end it would help them support and afford proper care for the child. Debates concerning birth control and unplanned pregnancies absolutely still occur in the United States. Sanger's points are still relevant today because a lot of people use birth control and they don't look at it in negative way anymore. It is hard to have kids when you're not ready so the best option would be to use birth control.
Long wanted everybody in the United States to be financially equal. He wanted the rich to give their money to the poor so they can have equal amount of money and no one would be poor.His idea absolutely did not gain much support but it somewhat became a reality. He offered to work with opposition to the democrats. This led to the president enacting the second new deal, which had aspects of Longs