Clarks Summit-University
538 Venard Road, South Abington Twp 18411
Dear Affoue Koffi
I am glad to write to you about Clarks Summit University, I know it is a tough time making decisions about your next college. I know you are looking for a school that will best fit your goal. I encourage you to take some time to consider attending Clarks Summit University, the programs here are fantastic and every student that leaves this school will testify how this school has changed their lives. CSU is great Christian school that gives their best in academics and also helps students grow in their spiritual life. Our classrooms are filled with professors that have a deep knowledge of Christian life. We also have great athletic programs.
If a class isn’t taught at in a certain academic year, our administrators will find a way for you to get that class. …show more content…
Throughout the year there are intermural games going on on our campus, for example, basketball, volleyball and pull tournaments. These activities bring the students together for fun competition. This year we had a free throw contest, ping pong match, and dodgeball tournament. This happened during evening hours and everyone could participate.
Want to participate in more than one sport? No problem, we encourage student participation in multiple sports and clubs as it adds to our school cohesiveness! We are proud that over 75% of our students are involved in extracurricular activities! We know school involvement engages students, fosters a sense of belonging and contributes to a positive learning environment
We are preparing the next generation of engaged and productive citizens and therefore teach them to give back to society through activities such as missionaries, food drives and activities that raise funds for the needy in the community. We expose students to higher learning via field trips to different countries and career