Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls highlighted a need that many people overlook; which is, the ability to have a pair of shoes. I grew up in a household where I never had to worry about such need, but sadly millions of children lack this basic necessity.In order to for Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls to impact more children around the world they needed more helping hands. I reached out to my local National Honor Society Chapter knowing that service is a priority and they agreed …show more content…
Hopefully, in the future I am able to travel to Dominican Republic. Buckner sends shoes to children in need all around the world and Dominican Republic is an area where I believe I can make impact on the children I meet. If I were to travel to the Dominican Republic I would like to distribute shoes and supplies to children in need, while brushing up on my Spanish. Visiting Dominican Republic I get the chance to see the smiles on the children’s faces and interact with