There are numerous schools of thought and theories on what makes a good leader. Researchers have complied mounds and mounds of information on traits associated with leaders, good and bad, effective and ineffective. This includes bad human beings who were effective …show more content…
The Psychodynamic Theory has shown that followers and leaders are drawn to their roles and achieve success in those roles by virtue of personality type (Myers & Myers, 1980). Under these conditions, communities are susceptible to a morally corrupt leader. Post World War I Germany fell victim to this scenario. During this time, there was a lack of national pride and Adolph Hitler was able to play on this by relaying his vision of the Third Reich. This vision of a prosperous Germany rallied the support of millions of followers and resulted in a revitalized country. Unfortunately, Hitler’s vision included the decimation of specific …show more content…
Success is not solely dependent on the leader’s actions, but also on the follower and the situation. These three elements relate in that they work in concert with one another. All three aspects are required for full range leadership development and affect each other differently and in different ways.
Simply stated, a leader influences others to achieve a goal. They are typically men and women who are not perfect. Many of these individuals strive to display ethical behavior in their actions. They possess certain personality traits like confidence and extraversion as well demonstrate specific vales, beliefs, and ideas how things should be accomplished. However, this is not always the case, because history has proven that individuals have manipulated others in order to accomplish terrible things.
For someone to be considered a leader, they must have followers. A follower is someone who chooses to follow a leader, because of the leader’s abilities, vision, or character. Like leaders, followers are not perfect and have their own belief system. The subordinate’s willingness to follow their leader will determine if organizational goals are