Furthermore, addressing the follower’s sense of self-worth will motivate them to aim for higher standards by creating challenging environment where they can realize their full potential. Providing meaning and understanding, a leader will intellectually stimulate its followers thus expanding their competencies and present effective leadership inspiration. A leader addressing the needs of followers over personal ones is presenting idealized influence behavior, projecting as a role model for its people to follow and emulate. Projecting this kind of a positive behavior, a leader will gain respect and trust from its followers, who will for sure identify themselves both with the leader and with the mission. Moreover, it will lead to inspirational motivation thus enhancing team spirit, provide meaning, and bring optimism and enthusiasm among followers. Inspiring its followers by actions and words, a leader will motivate them to seek or envision different approaches to solving a problem or alternative way to accomplish a mission and thus give them a chance to achieve what they never thought was …show more content…
Special devotion and dedication of a military leader for accomplishing missions and taking care of people, while leading by example, gives leadership philosophy a complete new meaning. Nevertheless, even military leaders must develop their leadership philosophy in order to become successful and efficient, and avoid being toxic. Creating sincere relationship within the unit, motivating people, mentoring them, and promoting moral values must become part of anyone’s leadership philosophy to bring the best out of people and thus become successful leader. Moreover, successful military leader must possess emotional intelligence, enforce ethics among its people, and above all apply transformational approach in his leadership style. Accomplishing that, a leader will build a trusty environment where his people will have a meaning and sense of belonging to a special group of man and women, and produce motivated people to strive for their full potential. Only successful and dedicated team of motivated and honored man and women will show that one is a true