Throughout history leadership principles are implemented to inspire and motivate young leaders. The Army defines leadership in ADP 6-22 as, “the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to. accomplish the mission and improve the organization.” The Army has a history of producing superior leaders. The Army Leadership Requirements Model outlined in ADRP 6-22 distinguishes the core attributes and competencies needed and expected to be a successful leader in the United States Army. Many cooperation’s today base their leadership principle’s on ADRP 6-22 because of its success. Leaders Eat Last Depicts a myriad of scenarios that successfully demonstrate the Army leadership requirements outlined in ADRP 6-22. The author, Simon Sinek, described leaders who were successful and illustrated in what way these leaders employed their resources to obtain and maintain trust from their subordinates. Leaders Eat Last portrays numerous scenarios to display a synopsis of situations leaders face in their roles to express a realistic sense of responsibilities and expectations. Furthermore, in reading this text, leaders gain a sense of knowledge and facts on leadership styles and education to become a leader who puts their team before themselves.
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Webster’s Dictionary defines empathy as, “the feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions”. Empathy allows leaders to place themselves in the positions of their soldiers and understand their efforts. Leaders that display empathy towards their soldiers earn a sense of trust and extends influence beyond the chain of command. Displaying empathy establishes a positive environment. Positive environments allow organizations to be more successful because their leadership is willing to go above and beyond for