Communicating effectively in a leadership role can be a challenge in itself. Fostering trust and transparency with everyday communication will enable us to be open minded and portray an approachable body. Leadership is a fundamental element of the human condition. Wherever society exists, leadership exists. Any definition of leadership must account for its universal nature (Hackman, 2013, p. 2). As humans, we transmit with our bodies through gestures and voice commands. It is our responsibility to convey messages that will allow us to build strong relationships and lines of communications. As a person who deals with various individuals possessing different communication styles, I was identified as being honest, …show more content…
A great leader is a greater follower. Leaders communicate company goals and let their words fruition into something great. Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “A good leader can’t get too far ahead of his/her followers.” Followers play an active, vital role in the success of any group, organization, or society (Hackman, 2013, p. 22). A leader must first lead and communicate to his group and follow closely afterwards.
Another barrier to successful communication is a misunderstanding or rather confusing between leadership and managing. I have been found suspect to leading and guiding my group by assigning tasks but not following through. I became a manager. There is nothing wrong with being a manager, but people rather have leaders. Grace Murray Hopper said it best, “You manage thing; you lead people.” Collaborative work and communication is crucial to build the trust needed to successfully run a group. It is unfortunate that at time we misunderstand and misjudge our intentions, but a true leader knows how to distinguish both. I communicate well with my peers and appear transparent to them, but at times I find myself to be guilty of such