To be a leader is a privilege. It is an opportunity that comes with the responsibility to do what is ethically right, encourage and direct others to accomplish an organizational common goal and vision. In Giltinane’s commentary on leadership style and theories, he defines leadership as a multi-facet process to identify goals, motivate other people to act on the goals, …show more content…
Ethical conduct does not only impact organizations, it plays a substantial role in our lives and the decisions that we make affect others, ourselves and our professions. In as much as people could be influenced by good behavior, they can also be influenced by the bad behavior and when a leader behaves unethically, people emulate the bad behavior (Derr, 2011). It is important for leaders to have an ethical, moral behavior for subordinates to emulate.
The principles of ethical leadership represent moral values and acceptable behaviors. Ethical values and principles strengthen organizational cultures. In the context of health care, organizational ethical conduct is to ensure the safety of patients and staffs. Cited by Levitt-Rosenthal (2013), Brinkley explains that an organization where ethics do not guide has a history of un-satisfaction. In health care, it is patients and employees.
In any organization, the role of a leader plays an important part in the daily operation of the organization. Effective leadership skills are very important. This can be distinguished by personalities, such as ambition and energy, the desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, intelligence, relevant knowledge, and a self-monitoring personality. Leading gives the appropriate authority and responsibility to organize and run the daily activities of the …show more content…
For values to evolve towards high performance leadership must communicate the importance. A good leader helps their people understand and even help facilitate their personal purpose and how it relates to the organization purpose. Great organization communicates effectively to create better work environments. When a leader can effectively articulate his/her philosophy both verbally and in writing, it transcends all other aspects of leader’s characteristics. Developing a strong communication skill helps leaders when their leadership beliefs or practices are challenged. The essential component is to recognize the communication styles that are best suitable and relevant to the situation. This could be both verbal (Interpersonal communication) and written communications (Intra-personal