Air Force Ethics Case Study

Superior Essays
Introduction Organizational culture is defined as a “system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs showing people what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior.” (Carpenter, Bauer, Erdogan, 2009) Culture within an organization can play a detrimental role in how successful a company can be. There are numerous dynamics that contribute to the overall organizational culture but the factor that plays the principal influence to this unique culture is ethics. Ethics is comprised of the morals, values, and belief systems that one person or organization has. In this paper we will discuss the role ethics play within The United States Air Force, and how it affects the overall organizational culture.
Ethical Rules in the Air Force In the
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Simply by watching the news, an individual may observe the scandal and dishonor that representatives have brought to the service in recent years. One may also observe how serious these acts were taken and how promptly punishment was carried out. The set of ethical rules enforced by the Air Force are a daily reminder as to how highly a service member should conduct themselves. The integrity that the Air Force encourages sheds light on how airmen should deal with the ethical obstacles both on and off duty. While these ethics may appear meek, they serve their purpose on an assortment of levels. Our Air Force principles promote equality and objective fairness in the small skew of things. With regards to the bigger picture, they provide service members with a sense of accountability. They also endorse crucial comradery which propels airmen to higher …show more content…
Although it may be demanding, ethics and values that service members live by is a code of honor and is expected to be fulfilled. From the intensity and awe power of swearing in and during the entire basic training time; ethical codes and values are implanted into a service members mind and slowly become integrated into their own personal code of ethics. “Each company should adopt a written set of ethical rules which determine the standards of appropriate behavior. Such a code would help business ethics to become a major support of organizational culture, and thus the company would win and have a competitive advantage.”(Rakichevikj, Strezoska, Najdeska, 2010) Due to the fact that the Air Force’s code of ethics are introduced and embraced so early in an airmen’s career, solid organizational philosophy is developed and accepted promptly. The end result (in most cases) provides the Air Force with a solid return of investment. With the ethical core values, rank structure, and UCMJ, the Air Force cultivates and adequately trains airmen and provides them with a step by step process by which they should conduct themselves. There will always be a minuscule percentage of individuals in every organization whom have difficulties conforming to the establishment’s ethical principles. However, in the armed forces it is

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