Dr. Bruce Tuckman's Four Stages Of Working In A Team

Superior Essays
Working in a Team
Chastity Dillon
Bellevue University
November 13, 2014

Working in a Team environment can have its challenges but the outcomes can far outweigh this. Even though the struggles within a team can derail timelines on projects, working in a team can be beneficial because team work can help lessen a big project and team work allows for other viewpoints. There are different phases that teams go through and these phases must occur so that the team can function correctly.
In 1965 Dr. Bruce Tuckman released his four- stage model on Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. This model explains that teams go through four different stages during the team formation. The forming stage is the beginning of the process. This is the time that others look to the leader for guidance as their roles and tasks have not become clear. It is also during this time that the boundaries of the
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A great leader must be able to communicate the vision and goals of the project in such a way that everyone understands. Effective communications encourages active participation from all involved. Communication not only involves speaking but also includes body language and listening. Creating an environment that where individuals feel say to provide feedback or make suggestions will allow for better communication.
Some causes of Communication breakdown lack of attention, language differences, information overload, and time constraints. Time constraints can be handled by managing time more efficiently. Information overload can be dealt with by only relaying the information that is necessary. Understanding the ethics and diversity of team members can help alleviate language differences within the team. Lack of attention could be from multi-tasking or repetitive information. The communicator should make sure that they have the attention of the listener (Communication Barriers,

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