A: Katniss has interesting relationships with all three of these characters. Gale and Katniss are childhood friends, having both grown up in District 12. Katniss isn't entirely certain about her feelings for Gale, but becomes even more confused about her feelings when Peeta gets thrown into the mix. Katniss seems to love Prim the most. Katniss acts as a motherly figure towards Prim, and would do anything to keep her out of danger. This is evidenced by the fact that Katniss volunteered to enter the games for her sister. Katniss and her mother have a complicated relationship. Katniss needs to provide for her mother and Prim, as her father died in a mining accident. Mrs. Everdeen, abandoned Prim and Katniss once her husband passed, leaving them starved. Katniss holds this grudge throughout the series, as her mother could have been working to earn money for food.
Q: Why are the "tributes" given stylists and dressed so elaborately for the opening ceremony? A: The tributes are given stylists and dressed elaborately for the opening ceremony, for a few reasons. One reason, is that a person may be more popular among the viewers, based on their looks. This can lead to sponsorships and an overall advantage in the games. A second reason the tributes are dressed elaborately, is that the appearance of the tributes, has a positive effect on the entertainment value to the viewers. Finally, the stylists are competing against each other for glory in their field against the stylists for other districts. Q: Discuss the ways in which the Gamemakers control the environment and “entertainment” value of the Games. How does it affect the tributes to know they are being manipulated to make the Games more exciting for the gamblers and viewers? Does knowing that she is on live TV make Katniss behave differently than she would otherwise? Why or why not? A: The gamemakers control the environment in the arena, to create suspense and thrill to the viewers watching. The environment can be controlled to the point that specific tributes can be faced against each other. An example of this would be when the mutations were released at the end of the book, the remaining tributes were forced towards the cornucopia. The tributes may act differently when they know they are being manipulated to make the games more exciting for the gamblers and viewers. The tributes may put on a show for the viewers to earn favoritism, and sponsorships. Katniss does act differently knowing that she is on live TV. Katniss received a sponsorship of soup after she had kissed Peeta. This led to her realizing that if she were to fake her relationship with Peeta, they both would get gifts from sponsors. Q: What do you think is the cruelest part of the Hunger Games? …show more content…
A: I personally find the whole thought of the Hunger Games sickening and inhumane. Children are forced into an arena and have to murder each other for the viewers’ entertainment. The gamemakers, control the environment and can cause two tributes from the same district to fight each other. If these two people were friends, only one of the tributes would walk away alive, but they would have to live with the guilt of killing their friend. Another part of the games that I find cruel, is that society developed to the point that children killing children was not only acceptable, but viewed as entertainment.
Q: Reality TV has been a part of the entertainment world since the early days of television (with shows such as “Candid Camera” and the “Miss America Pageant”), but in the 21st century there has been a tremendous growth of competitive shows and survival shows. Discuss this phenomenon with respect to THE HUNGER GAMES. A: Many perceive reality television to be real, not staged but that is not always the truth. In the Hunger Games, the gamemakers alter the environment to make the show more entertaining for the viewers. The Hunger Games seems to have a correlation to competitive TV shows that have become a part of our society. As time goes on,