Throughout the whole story Katniss is never fully able to give consent to how she is represented. She is manipulated from both sides of the revolution which takes place due to her actions but not her intentions. From the beginning she is motivated not by revolution but to keep her family safe especially her younger sister …show more content…
During Katniss’ time in The Capitol she is redesigned by her stylist, trained for the games, and appears on a talk show. The tributes arrival to The Capitol is made into a big spectacle, where the tributes are expected to make a good first impression. The tributes are given stylists whose job is to dress the tributes in costumes that represent their districts. Katniss’ stylist, Cinna, makes sure that Katniss is not overlooked as she and her fellow district tribute, Peeta, ride into The Capitol. He does this by representing her district as something new, not the black dull coal district 12 is usually represented as but as fire. Sparking something big, transforming Katniss into the Girl on Fire. The tributes then go through training for the games. This training ends with the tributes given a number from 1 to 12 depending on what the gamemakers think their chances are of winning. These scores are then used by the people of The Capitol to choose who is the best candidate to sponsor. Katniss is given the score of an 11 which is the highest score out of all the other tributes making her into a target in the arena. This score represents Katniss as someone who is strong, worthy of being a leader, someone to watch out for. Katniss’ life as the Girl on Fire continues as she is interviewed on the Caesar