James Madison The Federalist

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The organizational environment in which managers operate is a governmental system structure based on the federal, state and local law. James Madison in his essay of “The Federalist”, describes the four core elements of the system. There is a separation of powers between the three branches of the legislatives, executives, and judicial offices; there are checks and balances between these branches; there is federalism which is a division of order and responsibilities; lastly “the people” of various levels of government to its citizens.
Public Managers are able to create opportunities, policies, directions, administrative structure, and organizational relationships. The goal today is to run government and the public sector like a business. Running
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This approach is also termed Street-level bureaucrats to becoming more of a front-line approach to interact with the customer as being a customer centered or client-oriented style in implementing policies, products and service to the public (Hart, 1984). There is also a peer to peer performance measurements and accountability system with implementing economic incentives guided by rules and regulations. These guidelines were reflected as an initiative in 1993 during the Clinton Administration Reinventing Government, which led to the passage of the Government Performance and Results Act in 1993 give public managers accountability for job performance especially in today’s competitive marketplace. Public managers are creating five-year or longer strategical plan, along with budgets and reporting of their operations to emphasize the longevity of its organizations. This is a way of providing accountable measurements, performances reviews, and efficiency, effectiveness towards the overall health of an organization. These measurements are used to adjust the organization accordingly if the program or services are not being effective or being underutilized by the public. These strategic plans are great …show more content…
Within the public organization the culture also defines its purpose, motivations to why each person is working within the organization. These values go beyond the technical skills that each person brings to the organization. According to Cooper, in a public agency or an organization the most important steps are accountability, transparency, efficiency and effective government (Cooper, Citizenship and Professionalism in Public Administration, 1984). Culture within an organization is an expression of ethics, values, motives, beliefs and capacity that are shared among the manager and its personnel. It’s a value system that is shared and can produce one mindset that causes them to operate consistent with the value of the organization outside of their own norms. The culture of an organization has two significant factors. One is based on decisions and behavior which has a way of controlling an organization. The second is these decisions and behaviors will and can influence the managers themselves (Hill & Lynn, Jr.,

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