He grew up on a plantation with more than 2000 acres, with around a hundred slaves. Even though his family owned slaves James Madison could not come to terms with the idea (Leavell). James madison was greatly influenced by John locke and Isaac Newton. In 1778-1779 James madison served under Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. He was greatly influenced by these people, but still became a federalist even though Thomas Jefferson was a anti-federalist. In 1779 James Madison became a member of the Continental Congress (Ketcham). He also became the leader of the Federalist group (Ketcham).”By the time he retired, he was known as one of the most well informed and most effective debater”(Ketcham). He joined the Virginia legislature in 1784 and began to realize that the Articles of Confederation were flawed and gave too much power to the states and not enough to the central government. After writing the Bill of Rights James went on to be president. He was elected in 1808. James Madison died in …show more content…
Logos is using logic and reason to sway, or in this case, state the rights of the reader. one example of this is “No man shall be held for the same offence twice”. What this means is that a person can not be punished for a crime that person has already been punished for. This is logos because it is logical that a person who has been punished for the crime should not be punished again. Another example is “In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars”(“Bill of Rights and”). This line is saying that you can be charged in a criminal court for stealing 20 dollars or less. This is logical because if everyone who stole 20 dollars was charged with a crime and sent to a real court the courts would be very full. These examples James Madison uses logos to state the people 's rights