“I had my sight on ministry early. I knew I had a gift to be use to glorify God and to edify the body of Christ,” said Isaac.
The youngest of six, Isaac preached his first sermon at First Rock Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., in 1994. Since then he has preached at several congregations including Perfecting of the Saints Deliver Ministries, where his father, Pastor Isaac Wilson Sr., is the founding pastor.
A fervent believer in the scripture Philippians …show more content…
Issac Wilson, 42, a Washingtonian delves deep into the challenges faced by today's singles in his book "Misdefining of Love". Through biblical scriptures, practical steps and advice, he challenges readers to uncover the reasons they have not found a fulfilling relationship and set them on a path to redemptive power of love
Misdefining of Love encourages single people to embrace dating beyond boundaries, without preconceptions and judgments. Readers are given practical advice and encouragement as well as reassurance of God's love. "Misdefining Love" is set to hit book shelves on Valentine's Day and will sure to leave readers yearning for more.
"My purpose for writing was to share God's words and how it can bring value to finding the right one. It is clear that many of our assumptions about relationships, and how we deal with one another is often misconstrued," said Isaac.
Isaac made waves in 2014 with the debut of a thought- provoking book "Insecurities of a Man". His sophomore work and critical release to date “Devastation of Abuse Among Women" in 2015 was equally