Reflection Paper: My Confirmed Myers-Briggs Profile

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My confirmed Myers-Briggs profile is ENTP or Extroversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Perception. The website, 16 personalities, refers to this profile type as "The Debater" (16 Personalities, n.d.). This means that in business and in school I am outwardly focused on people, places and things or extroverted (Hirsh, 1991). The intuitive preference of my profile means I tend to take in information from memory and associations versus my five senses (Hirsh, 1991). I typically make decisions based on logic, and use a cause and affect based reasoning and am therefore a "thinking" preference (Hirsh, 1991). Lastly, the perception portion of my confirmed MTIB type means I am less structured, focus more on the start than the finish, and am more adaptable …show more content…
I had been hired on to manage an office building including new and old tenants, as well as, a couple of clerical workers. The workers had been with the company for years, and the occupancy level of the business center was less than profitable. My director had given me the directive to change things financially and gave me full authority to change anything I thought would benefit the center and the bottom line. Given my personality type I was excited, as staring new projects with other people is a dream come true for a debater personality type. I immediately set out to come up with original ideas that could help improve profitability and bring in new customers. I was met with resistance from one of the clerical workers, as she was the one handling all the practical matters of the initiatives. She constantly complained that the ideas wouldn 't work, or that the company rules dictated that my ideas were not possible. It was frustrating to say the least and none of the ideas I brought to the table were met with enthusiasm. It is most probable that this specific person had a different profile than my own. They were extrovert like I was, but was most likely an ESFJ personality also. These types are reluctant to change and often need a major crisis to occur in order to push them to changing. This "major crisis" was represented by my superior giving her specific consequences if …show more content…
Attempt to stop in difficult situations and tap into my emotional state and how I am feeling. I generally don 't pay attention to my emotions until after a difficult encounter has come to its conclusion. In an effort to add balance to my strong Thinking personality preference, I will work to monitor and control my feelings. This is at the core of health emotional intelligence.
4. Utilize web applications and excises online to build emotional intelligence through practice. I plan on finding more EI related sites that test and increase my understanding of emotions and how to best manage mine and be more empathic to others’.
5. Visualize what the end looks like. I am typically an excellent starter but tend to carry a long list of things that need to be completed. Often times, I start new projects before wrapping up old ones. This leads to stress and a feeling of being overwhelmed. Before starting a project I will now ask myself: "What does the end of the project look like?" and spend more time picturing the completion of it before starting something new only to become bored or

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