We don’t need another Industrial Revolution; however, I believe we could reinvent the wheel.
Everybody faces obstacles. Even mankind as a entirety faces obstacles. The more we grow and find ways to escape death, the more angry we become that we are stuck on this floating rock with each other. Emotion has become stretched over time. It feels as though humans started with a fixed amount of passion and kindness distributed among fewer humans, and as population plumes out we each share that same original amount. It’s essentially the inflation of feelings. “We think too much, and feel too little.” (The Great Dictator, 1940) We might have the greatest thinkers ever to live among us right now which means little when those individuals concern themselves with breaking the bank or further distancing ourselves from, well, ourselves. People have forgotten that being human isn’t only about your success and your ability to gain independence and self-sufficiency. The entire way humans evolved was based around our ability to act as a group and provide each …show more content…
It wouldn’t require any debt, and only has positive outcomes. It’s astounding that we as humans have become concerned with spending time, money, and resources on travelling to other planets when we’re unwilling to just improve ourselves. Not that space exploration is pointless, we could someday band together and arrive there. However, at this point it doesn’t seem as if anybody wants that. That’s the one task we as humans perform better than any other. When we join together we can achieve anything. The problem is, we’re so similar that we distance ourselves from one another until isolation. We find differences in our religions, races, sexualities, classes, and even intellectualism. That’s the problem, in the macro perspective, yet the solution can be nearly one seven-billionth of that. It’s all down to the