I have always wanted to go to college, you may think that its easier said then done. This simple task would take me on a journey over 10 years to commence. Going to college when you have a small child early in life can be somewhat time consuming and yet nearly impossible, if you don’t have a support team. All my life I always wanted to be a nurse, not just for the income but to help people. The moment everything aligns and you can finally go for your goal, you go through a whirlwind of emotions. Starting college after 10 years of not being in school has been an eye opener, yet satisfying experience.
When I was 18 I went to college like all the other high school graduates. Shortly after I started I meet somebody, like all young inexperienced adult, I feel in love. This brought me on a whirlwind romance that was shortly expedited into marriage, and a child. I got Married at the age of 18 and had my daughter two months before my 20th birthday. As a new mom and wife I strived to be first and foremost the best mom to my daughter, and a good wife second. I tried night school while my daughter father was at home with her. Frankly I was unable to focus. During my days I spend my time taking care of my daughter. I did not have close family to help me with my daughter. My mother has a mental disorder and is unable to help, my family who I can in trust my daughter with lived two hours away. I had no support system to help me, and I ended up not going back. Since I can remember I always wanted to be in the medical field. Now more than ever I know this. Sure, the money is great but this goes beyond that. It’s the feeling you get when you love something it is never a job but a passion. When I was young I would play with my dad being a doctor and fixing him. Early in life I saw myself helping people even before I ever knew what it was. Funny enough I hated going to the doctor. During the last high school when everyone is still trying to figure out what road to take in life, I was deadest on achieving this goal. Boy did life have a different road for me. I got married, had my daughter and had to put this dream on a halt. I felt hear broken at the time, but it was the right thing to do. I am not on the read to it, and I am petrified of failure. I often feel as if I am behind. I …show more content…
I’ve been on a bumpy road. All my relationships did not turn out as expected. Deviating me from my goal even further of achieving my college degree. About two years ago, like many of us I hit the reset button once more. I started over once more me and my daughter. The last year has been a refreshing and fulfilling year for me. I fell in love with what I can call my better half for the first time I have a support system. My daughter and my self are in a happy safe place. I was able to quit my job with minimum worries and dedicate myself to what I call my arch nemesis. The one thing in my life I have not been able to achieve. When it often felt so close yet it was too good to be