This study will be conducted in a first grade class with about twenty diverse learners. The majority of the students will be of the Caucasian ethnic group with a few African Americans and one or two Hispanics. There will be around the same number of girls and boys in the classroom. There will be five or six students in the Tier process and or with an IEP. The majority of the students will come from a middle class working family, with a few on the higher and lower end of the spectrum. There will be one teacher and one assistant teacher in the classroom. The classroom will be set up as a student centered classroom that enables students to work cooperatively in collaborative groups with ease. The teacher will begin the study by identifying …show more content…
The Star Report shows fluency rate, grade equivalent scores, national and school level and rank, scale scores, and much more. The teacher will use this information to change and modify instruction. The Star Test will be given to everyone in August, October, December, March, and May to log and track data. Teachers in first grade will meet together each week to discuss strategies good and bad that can support learners. Once a month Tier meetings will be held with grade level teachers to look at interventions, Star data, and other assessments on students that are receiving interventions in their class. The teacher will decide if further interventions should continue, if interventions need to stay the same, or if an intervention needs to be changed. This type of meeting will be in a form or teacher interaction and interview to discuss student …show more content…
Students worked with the teacher to increase rate and answer question concerning the passages along with extra time during group to focus in on key vocabulary instruction. Teachers found that added minutes to vocabulary instruction with students that had reading weaknesses and difficulties do not get the full influence during whole group instruction. When students receive extra interventions with fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary they make more of a dramatic change on weekly comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency