"You claim to teach the secrets of the soul, success, "finding oneself," ascension, etc. I believe you 've left out an important step and have yet to be mentored by the true God; you only promote the self-god of new age. How can I tell? Because if you had met Him, you would speak of Him and tell others of His glory. We can only rise so far in our own wisdom and that 's due to a pre-existing and self-perfected curse...the very crux of mankind 's disconnect. It 's called sin, and the solution to this sin-curse is remedied …show more content…
He was a threat to the powers that be, and this is why he was put on the cross. (Even though many of his followers got his teachings wrong.) Jesus was a rebel. He said that there was no such thing as sin, according to Father Charlie Moore 's studies. The "sin" concept was introduced by the powerful elite so that the people would be obedient to the elite 's (man-made) laws. Jesus didn 't believe in sin; he nurtured innocence. He pointed the way back to our original innocence.
Jesus taught how to use the power that you were given, to get in touch with higher consciousness, to get in touch with your intuitive powers. Jesus taught how to get in touch with God through your higher self--the "holy spirit," the higher consciousness part of you. Father Moore said, "Instead of worshipping God, use the powers you were given! Be the glory of God. Help everyone else be the glory of God."
Jesus was never meant to be an intermediary between the people and God and he was not supposed to be the world 's saviour - at least not in the way that people have been conditioned to believe by the world 's religions. Rather, he was to be an example, someone who through tremendous struggle (and temptation) had found the way by finding the innocence within. Through his example the people would be able to find God within. (The Kingdom of Heaven was within, Jesus had stated over and over …show more content…
I understand the way; it 's the journey that never ceases. It 's the journey that reconnects and integrates you with your higher self, with your higher consciousness, with Christ consciousness. The journey of higher consciousness is a journey into truth. Are you ready for the truth?
By the way, this "new age" that my reader is knocking is not just an aberration of the disillusioned; it is scientific fact in the form of astronomy. Jesus ushered in the Piscean Age 2000 years ago. (The symbol for Pisces is the fish.) And now it 's time for another age, the Age of Aquarius (which symbolizes spiritual awakening).
This "new" age isn 't just some religious or "New Age" belief; it 's pure astronomy. Astronomy tracks the Precession of the Equinoxes, the position of a reference point on Earth with respect to a cycle that takes approximately 26,000 years to complete (the cycle of the Zodiac). You can 't argue with astronomy. Scientists argue Global Warming because both natural (solar system/galactic) cycles and human influences are involved (besides a variety of vested interests) but you can 't argue with the positions of the stars in the