Group Project Reflection Paper

Improved Essays
We have 5 members in our group of whom 2 were male, and 3 were female. After we were assigned the project, we all came together, and made a commitment to do it better, and succeed at it. Firstly, we welcomed ideas from everyone, without setting any criteria. Our project was to reinvent any product with more features that will be helpful for public. It was a very challenging project because we were to redesign a particular product, which should be more appealing to the costumers in terms of features, solution of particular problems, availability, and cost. These kinds of questions brought us to look for the problems in our surroundings, which we can solve from our invention. We happened to look problems with all age groups. We separated our …show more content…
“As important as the participation of group member is to group synergy, no one wants to encourage participation from members who are obnoxious or bent on sharing misinformation”. (J. Dan Rothwell, pp 276). 3 out of 5 group members were only focused on finishing their portion of the work, which complicated the whole project because it has to be done by the member who proposed the change. Low participation is the problem I felt that we encounter in this group project. I was fully motivated, and willing to spend more time with it; however, not all members were doing effective communications to follow through. As a result, few did not have any idea how far we have been in the work we were doing.
It was a very good experience for me. I learned that every member of a group has a very important role to play in the success of the project. Maintaining good focus, and same level of attention is another important factor in small group projects that can affect the outcome of the work. We analyzed problems, learned about the negative and positive impact, set solution criteria and standards, and then only decisions were made. Member’s participations are another key to success in small projects like

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