Too often children are immigrating to the United States without knowing anything about the country, or even travelling to other countries where the same applies. All they know is that this new country will provide them with a better life outside of their native county. New cultures represent a problem with …show more content…
Learning a new language can be very difficult and puts strain on the child to learn it in order to succeed. This leads to them not understanding the subject material and potentially dropping out due to insufficient grades or feeling like they aren't apart of their school life.
Therefore, immigrant children face hardships that non immigrating children and even non immigrating adults. Creating a new life for themselves can be hard with the new culture they have to face and being in poverty only adds to that. As well as having to go through schooling that they are potentially unfamiliar with and having to be put at similar standards that children who've been in the school system all their lives are at. All in all, immigrant children have to go through many obstacles in order to have a better