As if having sex with a twelve through seventeen year old is okay. It is not okay with anybody as long as they say no. This day and age your can tell by body language. Do you think that it’s better when they say try and fight to get away?These people they don’t let them. They treat these girls/boys as if it’s a game. Multiple times they have tried to get out. Meanwhile, there rapist do not care enough to even hear the word no. They do is exactly what they said not to do. These girls have sex with ten to forty men a day.(Source2) Some not even in training bra yet.They buy girls to do only god know’s what and leave them alone.They leave them stranded hurt sometimes even buried. These people come with all types of disease. And they don’t do anything about it don’t tell the girl, don’t even say i’m sorry when they come back because for most of these men they come back.(Source 9) These Grown men touching all over them over and over again. So they begin to turn to something, anything that can help take away the
As if having sex with a twelve through seventeen year old is okay. It is not okay with anybody as long as they say no. This day and age your can tell by body language. Do you think that it’s better when they say try and fight to get away?These people they don’t let them. They treat these girls/boys as if it’s a game. Multiple times they have tried to get out. Meanwhile, there rapist do not care enough to even hear the word no. They do is exactly what they said not to do. These girls have sex with ten to forty men a day.(Source2) Some not even in training bra yet.They buy girls to do only god know’s what and leave them alone.They leave them stranded hurt sometimes even buried. These people come with all types of disease. And they don’t do anything about it don’t tell the girl, don’t even say i’m sorry when they come back because for most of these men they come back.(Source 9) These Grown men touching all over them over and over again. So they begin to turn to something, anything that can help take away the