It is also helping reinforce the idea that men are in control of these women and have power over them. In an article by Jean Kilbourne entitled Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt, she describes the negative effect of sexualized women and children portrayed in advertisements on our society. In one of her statements she says, “Turning a human being into a thing, an object, is almost always the first step towards justified violence against that person.” (Kilbourne, 463.) When women and girls are portrayed as objects it creates a culture that promotes violence towards them. According to RAINN girls who are ages 16-19 are four times more likely than the general population to experience some form of rape and sexual assault, and eighty-two percent of all juvenile rape victims are female. Then when these girls hit adulthood one out of every six will be a victim. This is significantly more compared to the one out of every thirty-three that affect men. These statistics help to show that the sexulization of women has led to the idea that they are meant for sex, and therefore don’t have to consent. The effects of this are especially prevalent in the youth who are more then ever being influence by the sexualization around
It is also helping reinforce the idea that men are in control of these women and have power over them. In an article by Jean Kilbourne entitled Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt, she describes the negative effect of sexualized women and children portrayed in advertisements on our society. In one of her statements she says, “Turning a human being into a thing, an object, is almost always the first step towards justified violence against that person.” (Kilbourne, 463.) When women and girls are portrayed as objects it creates a culture that promotes violence towards them. According to RAINN girls who are ages 16-19 are four times more likely than the general population to experience some form of rape and sexual assault, and eighty-two percent of all juvenile rape victims are female. Then when these girls hit adulthood one out of every six will be a victim. This is significantly more compared to the one out of every thirty-three that affect men. These statistics help to show that the sexulization of women has led to the idea that they are meant for sex, and therefore don’t have to consent. The effects of this are especially prevalent in the youth who are more then ever being influence by the sexualization around