How To Think Theologically Essay

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“To be Christian at all is to be a theologian, there are no exceptions” (Stone 3). Theology is the understanding of our God through a process of thinking about life in the light of faith. We use theology when engaging in our calling and when we turn for knowledge and support. How to Think Theologically, explains the difficult process of theological thinking and reflections. The author wants us to understand that if we practice religion and live according to our Christian faith, then we are practicing theology. It takes the time to perfect, but the work of theology is about a matter of personalizing conversational thinking. In Howard and James words, the key purpose is to allow ourselves to understand what we believe about the Christian …show more content…
“Faith does not mean merely assenting to certain phrases. It means viewing our own lives and everything else in light of the Gospel” (77). A couple of years ago, I fell away from God and it ruined my relationship with him. God took something away from me that I cared for deeply and I couldn’t understand why. Every day I continue to work on my faith and gain back my relationship between God. I have learned from reading this section that the Bible is not all good news. If we want to live through the Gospel, we have to realize that sometimes things don’t go our way. Although, that’s a part of living through God’s words and responding through faith. I have realized that God plants good and bad things in our lives for a reason. I believe that viewing our lives and everything else in light of the gospel, we will commit to living ever-mindful of the love of God. How we interpret the gospel comes from how much we are willing to receive bad …show more content…
I haven’t been dealt with the greatest hand in life, but I have been extremely lucky. The last chapter when the author uses an example of women who wrote about her mother who suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke. I was in the same boat two years ago, when my mom was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. I saw my mom in ways that I will never get out of my head. That was the same time I had fallen away from God. Until God miraculously saved my mother and my family. For the first time, the spirt of God came to life in my heart. I saw a miracle happen right in front of my eyes. Even when I wasn’t giving God my all, he gave me his. Theology has become my part of giving back to God for saving me from losing my mother. God made me realize that the more of a relationship I have with him, the more I will understand the hardships of life. “We as Christians need a foundation of prior deliberative theological reflection to prepare us as best as possible for dozens of daily choices as well as the life-altering decisions we face” (128). I couldn’t agree more with the author about finding the spirit through theology. I think it is valuable for every Christian to learn more about theology to help them understand the true meaning of why God does

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