How To Write A Personal Essay About Religion

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In my eyes, religion has always been a very interesting topic because of the way that I have been raised as well as the exposure I have had to other religions. I was brought up in a very conservative household in South Carolina and am a fairly religious person. I was born and raised as a Christian and when I was young, I attended Sunday school. As I grew older, I began to attend Church with my parents and began to enjoy learning the lessons conveyed through the Bible. Church was a very important tradition that my family took part in because it was time that we spent together, which was sometimes difficult because my father is a surgeon with an extremely busy schedule. We made it a family event to get up early on Sundays, attend Church and then go to lunch together. The preacher at the Church I …show more content…
Personally, I have always found Christianity to be helpful and uplifting when things are not going my way in life and to give purpose to the random series of events commonly referred to as life. It gives me hope and a reason to move forward as well as a peace of mind in my everyday life. It also gives me the answer as to how we all became to be and reminds me just how small I am in the grand scheme of things while pressing on the idea that I can all make a difference. I feel that the most important thing that my religion gives me is a sense of morality. As a result of being a Christian and raised with those ideals in mind, I have developed a sort of moral intuition that has an underlying effect on everything that I do. When I am faced with a decision, I am usually more inclined to do what would be considered the right thing and I have an instinctive mindset, which allows me to decide which choice is the right one. Times where I have decided not to do the right thing, I have felt guilt and disappointment in myself and I believe that these feelings stem from my religious

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