Hitler's Rise To Power In Germany

Superior Essays
Adolf Hitler is one of the most powerful and influential men in history. The way in which he persuaded the German people to support his diabolical political agenda was phenomenal. Hitler was born On April 20,1889. Growing up he never advanced past secondary school and failed to enter the Academy Of Fine Arts twice . Hitler later joined the fight in World War on December 1914 where he was wounded during battle . After being discharged Hitler joined a small workers party in Munich. This would be his first step to joining the Nazi Party and becoming Chancellor of Germany . Regardless of his little educational background, and evil intentions, Hitler still managed to rise to power in Germany and dominate Europe. In my opinion, he is one of the …show more content…
Hitler was very clever when it came to presenting his ideas and getting his messages across. He was a very persuasive man, and his message was very popular throughout Germany. Whatever he tried to push in his political agenda he got across at whatever cost. Hitler stated in Mein Kampf , “ that the right use of propaganda was an art in itself”. Hitler made Josef Goebbels in charge of his propaganda. Josef did really well by creating simple slogans and posters to win support for the Nazi party. With relentless propaganda set against the government to improve conditions during the depression, Hitler 's party gained many votes. Once Hitler was in power Josef pushed Hitler 's propaganda campaign even harder. Josef would set up large political rallies to build support for the Nazi’s. Hitler 's speeches were broadcasted on radio, which could be heard all around the country. His propaganda campaigns created a violent atmosphere towards the Jews. Films for example, were used to discriminate Jews, and show the greatness of Hitler. These films helped push Nazi ideology and further increase hatred towards the Jews. Newspapers also depicted cartoons of Jews being seen as the enemy of Germany. Hitler would censor the media, which meant the German people would only see what the Nazi’s want them to, and anything against Nazi Ideology was ban. Control of the mass media was Hitler 's plan, and he …show more content…
After Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia and Austria, he quickly turned his attention towards Poland. During this time other European countries did not like the fact that Hitler was taking over other nations. Countries like France, Britain and Russia feared him. They wanted him to stop, but Hitler just kept going. Before Invading Poland Hitler made a pact with Italy to insure some support. . He also made an nonaggression pact with Russia which promised Stalin that Germany would not attack Russia. Once everything was set, Hitler marched in and took Poland. The attack did not last long, and the Germans came out victorious. A couple days after the invasion Britain and France declared war on Germany. This was the start of one of one of the worst wars in human history, and it was all because of the actions of one man. There might have been other causes to WW2, but Hitler was at the center of it. He had Germany’s support when he took them into WW2, and even gained help from other countries like Japan, and Italy. Hitler pushed the war hard for many years against the allies, and almost won. His influence from the war can still be felt

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