Annotated Bibliography On The Rise Of Hitler

Improved Essays
Kaitlyn Lott
Mrs. Conn & Mrs. Ehlen
English Language Arts
February 15, 2017
Finial Annotated Bibliography; Was Hitler’s aggression preventable?
Darby, Graham. "Hitler's Rise and Weimar's Demise." History Review 67 (2010): 42. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. Graham Darby explains that Hitler and the Nazi party rose to power by gaining support and voters from the working class through propaganda: Hitler spoke of overthrowing the treaty of Versailles and the democratically central government; getting rid of communism; uniting Germany; and strengthening Germany economically. Hitler’s ideas drew in supporters and helped him rise to power along with the Nazi party. Better understanding how Hitler gained power can help someone to know
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Andrew gives information of all parts the war, including before and the effects afterwards. Andrew has a couple pages of the sources that he used when writing his book. Based off all the research he did, this book is a reliable source to use. However, this book has one disclaimer listed: some of the internet sources Andrew Langley used have slightly different URLs now or no longer exist. Other than this limitation, the book is very helpful for my …show more content…
This book includes information on Hitler’s life, important battles, the last will and testimony of Adolf Hitler, and a time line. Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungry on April 20, 1889. His parents were Alios and Klara Hitler. On the 3rd of January, 1903, Alios dies, and Adolf is 14 years old. In 1914, WWI began and Adolf joined the army. In 1921, after WWI, Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi party (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). On April 30, 1945, Hitler and his wife commit suicide. Later that year, the Nazis are

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