The four levels of Maturity as explained by this theory are:
M1- Lack skills required to get the job done.
M2- Lack of ability to the do job, but has the willingness to do it.
M3- Experienced with the ability to do the job, but second guessing their ability. Lack of confidence.
M4- Experienced and has the ability to do the job, willing and takes responsibility to complete the task ahead.
The four levels of Development are:
D1 - Low competence and low commitment
D2 - Low competence and high commitment
D3 - High competence and low/variable commitment
D4 - High competence and high commitment
Similar to Maturity levels and development levels, this theory has four leadership styles associated with letters: …show more content…
The leader defines the roles and provides details pertaining to the task. When an individual is unwilling to do the job and lacks the ability, the leader should first find out why this person lacks motivation before providing a work structure. For example, if a person thinks they are not capable, then they lack self-confidence. In this case, if the leader starts to concentrate on the relationship rather than working on the issue faced by the individual, then it may lead to confusion. Hence it is important that the leader first recognizes any reasoning behind an individual’s behavior before directing