Frequency-hopping is used in wifi, meaning that without it, we wouldn't have laptops or any of our wireless phones. Imagine talking with your friends for hours on the phone, sitting at the kitchen table, having your siblings eavesdropping on you the whole time. Imagine walking down the street and not being able to take a phone right out of your pocket and being able to call your parents to come and pick you up, instead you would have to find a phone, most likely wait in line to use it, and pay for one phone call. We wouldn't have a lot of the privileges we have today without Hedy Lamar's idea of frequency-hopping. Global Positioning Systems, also known as GPS's, also use frequency-hopping. They are used to show us exactly where we are in the world. The GPS can show us where to go and give us directions to get to a place we are not familiar with. People also use Global Positioning Systems to find their way out of situations where they are lost. A GPS will give you step by step directions to help you navigate anywhere around the world. Imagine driving from one coast to the other of the United States, using only paper maps and road
Frequency-hopping is used in wifi, meaning that without it, we wouldn't have laptops or any of our wireless phones. Imagine talking with your friends for hours on the phone, sitting at the kitchen table, having your siblings eavesdropping on you the whole time. Imagine walking down the street and not being able to take a phone right out of your pocket and being able to call your parents to come and pick you up, instead you would have to find a phone, most likely wait in line to use it, and pay for one phone call. We wouldn't have a lot of the privileges we have today without Hedy Lamar's idea of frequency-hopping. Global Positioning Systems, also known as GPS's, also use frequency-hopping. They are used to show us exactly where we are in the world. The GPS can show us where to go and give us directions to get to a place we are not familiar with. People also use Global Positioning Systems to find their way out of situations where they are lost. A GPS will give you step by step directions to help you navigate anywhere around the world. Imagine driving from one coast to the other of the United States, using only paper maps and road