Hedy Lamarr Analysis

Decent Essays
Hedy Lamarr was crucial in the development of frequency hopping technology that is used in military communications, Wi-Fi, as well as many other devices which had various users occupying the same radio frequency. This article written by Peter Hong narrates the life of Hedy Lamarr, the actress and inventor, going into great detail about her contributions to technology. The author explains how Mrs. Lamarr partnered with Mr. Antheil to produce a device that would allow U.S. radio-guided torpedoes avoid enemy's attempts to misdirect them. Mrs. Lamarr and Mr. Antheil meet at a dinner party and after a discussion about the Nazi movement Mrs. Lamarr asked Antheil to help her develop an idea to aid the American cause. She envisioned a frequency changing machine that could be broadcasted to American torpedos, which may have been inspired when she listened to her first husband talk to his fellow engineers about his ideas. The use of this constantly changing frequencies would allow the torpedos to reach their intended target without enemy interference. Lamarr hoped Antheil’s experience with composing music and knowledge of frequencies would be valuable and it was. Soon after this meeting, the two started experimenting and eventually came up with a solution. The pair’s idea …show more content…
He goes into great detail about her contributions to technology making this article very useful to my topic. Though the article is very informative, and the information presented correlates to all the other articles and information I have encountered about my topic, there is very little information on the author Peter Hong, which makes it difficult to determine whether he is a well-established historian. Even with little detail about Mr. Hong, he does a very good job at portraying Hedy Lamarr's whole life, with a specific focus on her innovation, to the general public seeking more information about this beauty with

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