My community geriatric clients get the services that are provided to the whole county. While the county provides a variety of services for elders (e.g. case management services: home delivered meals, housekeeping, shopping and laundry service, personal care, visiting nurse, home health aid, and workshops for caregivers), I did not see any workshops for elders to interact with each other. The county provides services for the physical needs of geriatric clients, but does not provide for their psychological needs. I believe that it is possible to organize workshops of different activities for elders in the same place where the county has the workshops for caregivers. Having a place where the geriatric clients of Douglas can interact and receive group therapy would be great for them. According to Corey, Corey, and Corey, (2010), “the interpersonal nature of groups can be therapeutic for older persons, especially those who are isolated and lonely” (p. 388). References Area Agency on Aging. (n.d.). Retrieved December 15, 2015, from Corey, M.S., Corey, G, & Corey, C. (2010) Process and Practice Groups, Eighth Edition. United States: Thompson Brooks/Cole. 2. Take what is known about the final stage of group. How can you apply this to a group you have established for a chosen population. 50 points The final stage of the group consists on how to end the group process, thus this is a very important stage of the group process. I learned that “Adopting terminology that facilitates a more positive connotation regarding the final phase of treatment is not intended to disregard the potential for negative emotional experiences, but to provide an inclusive conceptualization of termination” (Maples & Walker, 2014). It is important that the group leader is able to go over what the group process has done for the clients so they know that they have acquire new ways to deal with their problems. If I were working with depressed …show more content…
When I first took the multicultural skills my score was low, now it is higher. This course helps me see my multicultural skills and where I needed improvement. The American population is very mixed so is very likely that group leaders would have clients of different cultures and backgrounds. According to Corey, Corey and Corey (2010), the “ethical practice requires that leaders become aware of the multicultural context in group work” (p. 86). Next, problem-solving strategies, group members may become argumentative with group members or with the group leader. The group leader has to stay calm and listen, since becoming argumentative will not solve anything. The clients are dealing with various emotions and things should not be taken personal. Last, the group leader has to make suggestions to the clients to change their behaviors. One of the main objectives of the group leader is to help the clients. The clients need to learn new ways to deal with their problems; this is where the group leader has to make suggestions to their clients to give them alternatives. According to Jussab, and Muiphy (2015), “It may be helpful to establish/renegotiate psychological contracts with the client outlining the nature of therapy delivery which highlights clients’ roles and obligations to maintain constructive relationships with their