For my project, I will be working with St. Joseph’s Healthcare Center. The work I will be doing is certified nursing assistant. The certified nursing assistant (CNA) is on the front line of supporting care of senior people in different complete health care. CNA responsibility is to help the senior people in their daily activities, such as help the senior people bathe, dress, and answer senior calls, document patients’ health issues, feed them, measure and record food and liquid intake, clean their rooms, and take their temperature, take blood pressure, and etc. CNA also supports the registered nurse (RN) by provide reports about senior concerns and issues. Some time CNA have to gather certain medical supplies, meet with new senior people, or set up room for them. I plan to accomplish a video about certified nursing assistant skill.
Those who will benefit from my project are senior people. I will help them in their daily activities, such as feed them, clean their rooms, help senior walk.
My timeline for completing my volunteer hours for this project is 18 weeks. I will be working 4 hours per week, on Monday and Thursday. I will be starting on September 2, 2015 and expect to be completed by December 31, 2015 for a total number of 72 hours. …show more content…
They enjoy their live helping their grand kids, and they feel worthy. But some of them live in senior home for different reasons, for example, some of them do not have families to take care of them. I really like to be with them, and help in particular, because they need care passionate to feel that they are within the community. Most of the time senior people feel lonely, no one taking care of them, and they think their rule is done in the community. I want to show them how the community cares about them as before, also how they are important to