Use Bloom's Taxonomy

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Cognitive Learning: Discuss at least three group concepts that impacted you. Use Bloom’s Taxonomy – Cognitive Domain
Our group processing class was thought-provoking, in the sense that, it was an online group, with rules, but no set objectives and goals. We met for four sessions and discussed issues at random. Our foundation was one from a biblical standpoint and although we all attend a Christian University, I often wondered if any member was uncomfortable with that standpoint. I was encouraged to think deeper into issues I had shoved aside. One of my greatest takeaways from group was my ability to take those resurfaced issues to my personal counseling sessions.
I unconsciously found myself utilizing a few levels of thinking on Bloom’s cognitive domain. The information I was forced to recall was often situations relating to group topics. During our second session, we discussed forgiveness which uncovered a fresh wound for me. In that session I had to remember the event that is needing forgiveness. Understanding forgiveness from a biblical perspective was nothing new to me. After some deep reflection, I explained that, forgiveness is a process for me and I need time to heal before I can reach out to that other person, in order for it to be genuine. In this example I did not immediately apply the new knowledge I was receiving, however I find myself in pending application stage. Where I analyzing and contemplating how to apply this to my current situation. Although, we remained at the forming stage, which Gladding describes as “... discussions are usually superficial during forming, centering around historic or future events that do not have a direct impact on the group or its members” ( Gladding, 2016). While some members shared a healthy dose of feedback, I found it rather hard to relate to individuals who gave general feedback as opposed to specific or relatable feedback. Also, there were members who didn’t share at all. In groups, I enjoyed listening to how other persons handle similar situations and used this as encouragement me to think critically and analyze my own situation. Affective Learning: Discuss at least three examples of affective learning that impacted you.
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Use Bloom’s Taxonomy – Affective Domain
As my self-awareness increased, I was faced with feelings that were uncomfortable. I realized that for some of us we are aware that the problem exist, but still ignore its existence. By refusing to communicate our feelings about these issues, we cause stress in our relationships and then makes it difficult to create boundaries. In our group setting, it seemed odd that after someone shared a personal story, we would often have someone else move on to something else. I felt compelled to acknowledge every person’s input but I wasn’t sure if that was the norm or simply because of our setting. This seemed uncomfortable for me, but I also realize that most of us utilized our attending skills, but simply had no response. It could be that we chose to reflect and analyze for future application. Our group members come from diverse backgrounds, which played a huge role in learning and respecting the values of other cultures. As a counselor in training, this is an area that I am constantly working on. Discussions were educational and opened my mind to new ideas and the lifestyle of others. Spiritual Learning: Discuss at least three spiritual principles that impacted you. Use Fowler’s model Although we did not discuss Fowler’s model in group processing, the initiative- projective faith which occurs in early childhood was one of the stages that impacted me as a mother of a young child. Learning about this stage allowed me to gain some understanding of my son. “The stage involves the awakening of moral emotions and standard that corresponds with a struggle of autonomy and will. Right and wrong are understood in terms of consequences to self” (Balswick, King, Reimer, 2005)”. My son is at the age where he is beginning understand why he is doing the things we ask him to do. With regards to spirituality and faith, I want for him to have some clarity and understanding of good and evil. Also, at this stage, children are often influenced greatly by their environment and it is on me, as a mother to ensure that he is understanding the information he is

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