The Green party plans on implementing a $10 raise on bail for Canadian youth and adults. This additional income will be put towards a preschool, primary and secondary education fund for Aboriginal communities. This will decrease the number of Aboriginal women entering the sex trade, increase productivity in First Nations’ industries of choice, as well as promote a healthy and optimistic way of life. This can all be achieved by providing more career opportunities for Aboriginal youth. The additional $10 raise is a minor, but impactful charge adjustment that will not inconvenience criminals or force them to reject paying bail altogether; those capable of paying bail will still be willing and able to pay this small additional fee.
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To do so, the Green Party strongly supports the collection of additional bail money, for it will be an effective and profitable decision. As of 2009, there were 881 adults on bail in Saskatchewan, 8740 in British Columbia, and 219 in Yukon. If the proposed bail increase had been implemented, that’s approximately $98 400 towards Aboriginal education from just three provinces alone. The raised funds are to be divided accordingly to youth population, age and density of Aboriginal communities, with the administration of the Aboriginal Affairs minister.
The Green Party’s research demonstrates this system to be highly workable in the Canadian democratic society. It is a practical source of steady funding that will not inconvenience Canadians. First Nations education services are in high demand and the government should be making an effort to meet these needs. By funding education, relations will improve and Indigenous communities will strengthen, becoming more capable of