Once they cat is out of the bag, it’s hard to go back.” She suggests that the individual really considers their financial picture after the divorce and made up their mind to divorce financially, intellectually emotionally prior to sharing your feelings with your spouse. Managing taxes “Marriage is about love. Divorce is about money.” is the slogan on Rosemary Frank’s website. The Certified Divorce Financial Analyst is very skeptical when it comes to taxes. If you file singly, you are bumped into a higher tax bracket, even though your income level is lower than if you filed jointly. Ms. Frank states that's the law and there isn't any way around it. Steve Sexton, President of the Sexton Advisory Group points out that the intertwined retirement plans can be complicated. Couples who have been married for a long time might have built up significant savings and have a number of retirement plans and if a thorough analysis isn't done, one could easily overlook some of the details and value hidden in the retirement …show more content…
They are supposed to protect the individuals from paying taxes when the assets are transferred from one person to the next. Sexton stated that the QDRO has to be crafted properly or the couple might incur unnecessary tax