Wilcox and Sturgeon presented a large accumulation of facts for each aspect of their argument. The authors incorporate examples and factual statistics from a divorce attorney, an average monthly divorce search index from 2012-2016 taken from Google, a pew study, a psychologist’s book, and a multitude of other studies to solidify and put forth logos towards their claim that divorce has negative outcomes. Wilcox and Sturgeon also implement empathy, within their first reason to oppose divorce, by expressing the negative effects that divorce has on the married couple’s children. By adding this element to their writing Wilcox and Sturgeon are able to attract emotion from their readers. This use of pathos will heavily contribute to the positional analysis of the readers, on the considered argument, due to the widely shared common ground of child welfare. In their third reason against divorce the authors implement an aspect that concerns money. Money is held in high regards in the United States and will capture the interest of many readers. By putting this element towards the end of the article, the authors give the readers a variable that will linger in their minds succeeding the …show more content…
Bradford Wilcox and Samuel Sturgeon, is a conservative and opinion based article that attempts to argue against low-conflict marriage divorce due to the multiple negative outcomes associated with it. The text includes a substantial amount of facts to support the argument, along with a skillful incorporation of the rhetorical devices logos, pathos, and ethos. However, the text length was constrained due to the amount of room the authors were granted to work with. This hindrance could have caused the written argument to possess less information than the authors originally planned. A small portion of the average National Review audience was somewhat excluded due to demographic constraints. However, the specific argument that was presented directly reflected the majority of the audience that frequents the National Review. Divorce is especially high for older adults and the average audience of the National Review consists of individuals who are 35 years and older. Overall, the article written by Wilcox and Sturgeon successfully claimed, to an audience that is respectively involved in the subject, that a divorce, in a low conflict marriage, induces numerous negative