Elder Interview Paper

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There are many interesting people in life. Getting to know someone’s life experiences is a privilege that encourages learning and self-reflection. For my elder interview, I had the privilege of interviewing Ms. B, a retired disabled senior. During the interview we discussed her childhood, career, culture, language, family, religion, disability, retirement and her philosophy of aging. In this paper, I will analyze the interview with Ms. B and use supporting research to support my topic. According to Hardy & Gill (2004),
“Disability in basic activities of daily living (ADLs) is common among community- dwelling older persons, with prevalence rates ranging from 7% in those aged 65 to 74 years to 24% in those aged 85 years or older. Although
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“Divorce is financially stressful. Researchers estimate divorcing individuals would need more than a 30% increase in income, on average, to maintain the same standard of living they had prior to their divorce. About one in five women fall into poverty as a result of divorce. Three out of four divorced mothers don’t receive full payment of child support.
Most men experience a loss in their standard of living in the years after a divorce, as well, a loss generally about 10%–40%, depending on circumstances.” (p. 109).
She had to rely on government service until she was able to build tenor at work, which age her a salary increase. Ms. B. embraces her culture. She explained that her family is bilingual and she has been used as a translator many times. She is sad that she is no longer able to cook delicious recipes from her culture because of her disability. She is now on a soft foods and a liquid diet due to her having trouble with her esophagus. Her partner diet is not the best because he does not cook and she is not able to cook for him. This leaves his eating a lot of food with preservatives, which is not healthy for him. Whenever family members are free, they make meals and bring it to
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I commented that she had beautiful wavy hair and she said “you should have seen it when I used to get a perm, it was long, straight and beautiful. All the ladies would give me compliments and ask how they could get their hair like mine.” (Ms. B, personal communication, July 2016). Smiling as she talked about the subject.
When Ms. B was in her sixties, she noticed she was having trouble standing and walking.
She also noticed her hands getting weak and moving involuntarily. After going to the doctor and getting evaluated, she was diagnosed with Tremor and slowly lost her capability to walk. She was surprised and devastated. She explained she was not aware of what a tremor is until she was diagnosed. She also never imagined losing her ability to walk, especially at her age. According to
Medicinenet.com (n.d.),
“Tremor is an unintentional, rhythmic muscle movement involving to-and-fro movements
(oscillations) of one or more parts of the body. It is the most common of all involuntary movements and can affect the hands, arms, head, face, voice, trunk, and legs. Most tremors occur in the hands. In some people, tremor is a symptom of a

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